Film “The Bear In Me”

In cooperation with Roman Droux from the film production company memox GmbH, the idea of a larger film project arose many years ago. Filmmaker David Bittner accompanied the bears for one summer. This extreme journey into a primal, archaic world of bears gave the cameraman and director a very direct insight into the behavior and nature of the bear. The moments of closeness between humans and bears raised fundamental questions for him about the relationship between the pristine wilderness and our civilization.

In contrast to a conventional wildlife film, THE BEAR IN MIR tells not only about animals, but also about the relationship between humans and bears. The author takes the viewer on a journey into the wild to see the bears and raises fundamental questions about the coexistence between humans and animals. With the personal, sometimes also philosophical thoughts, a differentiated picture is drawn of an idiosyncratic animal lover and his animals; who ultimately deserve to be loved not only as a teddy bear or behind bars, but also and above all in freedom.

In addition to the fact that many unique experiences of David Bittner and ‘his’ bears have so far remained unpublished, the present film shows on the one hand spectacular shots of the bears in their diversity and natural landscape, on the other hand the related theme of a (still) possible coexistence Wild animal – human being illuminated.

More information and the trailer here

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